One Shot Antelope Hunt Club

Pictured: Current One Shot Hunt Club Board of Directors – Back Row: Phil McWain, Carl Asbell, Mike McRae, Mike Lewis, Wade Alexander, Brandon Emmert, Travis Sweeny, Thad Eckhardt.
Front Row – Ira Waldon, Paul Fontaine, Bob Tipton, Darin Hubble, Ty Alexander, Dave Fehringer. (Not Pictured: Mollie Sheridan & Terry Martin)

When the Wyoming Game and Fish Department would no longer furnish the guides and wardens for the Hunt, and the Governor would no longer furnish the licenses for the participants, the local sponsors were left with the task of determining how to continue the event. A group of local people met and decided to form a club of 100 members to assist in the Hunt. On August 23, 1949, the One Shot Antelope Hunt Club was incorporated. The membership of 100 is still maintained today along with an associate membership.

The Hunt has had few changes since its inception. The number of team members varied greatly until 1966 when it was decided to limit a team to three hunters with one alternate.

Today’s One Shot Antelope Hunt Club functions nearly the same as it did in the early years of its inception. The Board of Directors is composed of 16 members – 6 directors serve 3 year terms: 5 directors serve 1 year terms: and 4 directors are appointed. The Past President serves a 2 year term. The President is elected for a 2 year term, but stands for re-election each year of his term. The President and the Board of Directors coordinate the activities related to the Hunt each year.